dotText24 コメントの通知メールで管理者のメールも送るようにする
.Text でコメントを書くと管理者にメールで通知されます。
Dottext.FrameworkのEntries.csのpublic static void InsertComment(Entry entry) 298行目近辺です。
// if it's not the administrator commenting if(!Security.IsAdmin) { try { string blogTitle = Config.CurrentBlog().Title; // create and format an email to the site admin with comment details IMailProvider im = EmailProvider.Instance(); string To = Config.CurrentBlog().Email; string From = Config.Settings.BlogProviders.EmailProvider.AdminEmail; string Subject = String.Format("Comment: {0} (via {1})", entry.Title, blogTitle); string Body = String.Format("Comments from {0}:\r\n\r\nSender: {1}\r\nUrl: {2}\r\nIP Address: {3}\r\n=====================================\r\n\r\n{4}\r\n\r\n{5}\r\n\r\nSource: {6}#{7}", blogTitle, entry.Author, entry.TitleUrl, entry.SourceName, entry.Title, // we're sending plain text email by default, but body includes <br>s for crlf entry.Body.Replace("<br>", "\n"), entry.SourceUrl, entryID); im.Send(To,From,Subject,Body); } catch(Exception e) { Log.Write(e); } }