/* OLD CREATE Proc blog_InsertEntry ( @Title nvarchar(255), @TitleUrl nvarchar(255), @Text ntext, @SourceUrl nvarchar(200), @PostType int, @Author nvarchar(50), @Email nvarchar(50), @SourceName nvarchar(200), @Description nvarchar(500), @BlogID int, @DateAdded datetime, @ParentID int, @PostConfig int, @EntryName nvarchar(150), @ID int output) as if(@EntryName is not null) Begin if exists(Select EntryName From blog_Content where BlogID = @BlogID and EntryName = @EntryName) Begin RAISERROR('The EntryName you entry is already in use with in this Blog. Please pick a unique EntryName.',11,1) RETURN 1 End End if(Ltrim(Rtrim(@Description)) = '') set @Description = null INSERT INTO blog_Content (Title, TitleUrl, [Text], SourceUrl, PostType, Author, Email, DateAdded,DateUpdated, SourceName, [Description], PostConfig, ParentID, BlogID, EntryName ) VALUES (@Title, @TitleUrl, @Text, @SourceUrl, @PostType, @Author, @Email, @DateAdded, @DateAdded, @SourceName, @Description, @PostConfig, @ParentID, @BlogID, @EntryName) Select @ID = @@Identity if(@PostType = 1 or @PostType = 2) Begin exec blog_UpdateConfigUpdateTime @blogID, @DateAdded End Else if(@PostType = 3) Begin Update blog_Content Set FeedBackCount = FeedBackCount + 1 where [ID] = @ParentID End GO */ ALTER Proc blog_InsertEntry ( @Title nvarchar(255), @TitleUrl nvarchar(255), @Text ntext, @SourceUrl nvarchar(200), @PostType int, @Author nvarchar(50), @Email nvarchar(50), @SourceName nvarchar(200), @Description nvarchar(500), @BlogID int, @DateAdded datetime, @ParentID int, @PostConfig int, @EntryName nvarchar(150), @ID int output) as if(@EntryName is not null) Begin if exists(Select EntryName From blog_Content where BlogID = @BlogID and EntryName = @EntryName) Begin RAISERROR('The EntryName you entry is already in use with in this Blog. Please pick a unique EntryName.',11,1) RETURN 1 End End if(Ltrim(Rtrim(@Description)) = '') set @Description = null --SPAMフィルタ対策 declare @SpamFlag int; set @SpamFlag = 0 if (@PostType = 3) begin --SPAMチェックテーブルを作る create table #wkspamtable(title nvarchar(255)) --チェックテーブルにデータを入れる insert into #wkspamtable(title) values (@Title) --カウントを取る select @SpamFlag = count(*) from #wkspamtable inner join blog_spamkey on #wkspamtable.title like '%' + blog_spamkey.title + '%' drop table #wkspamtable end print @SpamFlag if ( @SpamFlag = 0 ) begin INSERT INTO blog_Content (Title, TitleUrl, [Text], SourceUrl, PostType, Author, Email, DateAdded,DateUpdated, SourceName, [Description], PostConfig, ParentID, BlogID, EntryName ) VALUES (@Title, @TitleUrl, @Text, @SourceUrl, @PostType, @Author, @Email, @DateAdded, @DateAdded, @SourceName, @Description, @PostConfig, @ParentID, @BlogID, @EntryName) Select @ID = @@Identity if(@PostType = 1 or @PostType = 2) Begin exec blog_UpdateConfigUpdateTime @blogID, @DateAdded End Else if(@PostType = 3) Begin Update blog_Content Set FeedBackCount = FeedBackCount + 1 where [ID] = @ParentID End end else begin INSERT INTO blog_SPAM (Title, TitleUrl, [Text], SourceUrl, PostType, Author, Email, DateAdded,DateUpdated, SourceName, [Description], PostConfig, ParentID, BlogID, EntryName ) VALUES (@Title, @TitleUrl, @Text, @SourceUrl, @PostType, @Author, @Email, @DateAdded, @DateAdded, @SourceName, @Description, @PostConfig, @ParentID, @BlogID, @EntryName) end GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO